A Year Ago Today

A year ago today I touched down in South Africa to check out a ministry in Badplaas. I had three weeks to wait while my new visa for Ethiopia was being processed. I had heard about the ministry happening in Badplaas through current missionaries and friends from the US, Dave and Beth Philips. They graciously housed me during those three weeks. I joined in and helped out with the ministry where I could but more than that I saw the ministry at work. It was also in that time that I felt a peace like never before. Arriving in South Africa was a breath of fresh air in many ways: spiritually, physically and emotionally. Little did I know what the Lord had in store for me. I enjoyed my time in Badplaas and began to understand the South African ministry vision. I felt consumed with love by the current team, embraced as part of the ministry and generally cared for. My heart and spirit were at peace. The three weeks went by quickly, but I remember the team praying over me before I left; voicing that they would love for me to join the team, long-term. The South African team saw me as an asset and I was blown away!

I began wrestling with the Lord over his long term plan for my life when I arrived back into Ethiopia. I felt my soul getting restless over the next four months for the place where I belonged. All the signs and whispers from the Lord pointed me to South Africa. In that same moment, my heart became a bit sad over leaving a place that captured my heart. All I can say is, “WOW!” to what the Lord has done in the past year.

Just to reflect back a bit here is a small list:

2 medical evacuations to America from Ethiopia to treat parasite infections
Countless home visits and preaching
Friends became family
3 months back in America fundraising for this next chapter
2 international moves
Many soccer games and bible studies
Gaining new brothers and sisters in Christ
Setting in and finding my spot in ministry in South Africa

Just to name a few

Needless to say life is an adventure! Living each day for God can write quite the story and I can’t wait to see where this wild ride takes me. For now I just focus on being Christ in whatever ways I can every day!

Empower a Woman. Impact Generations.

Lydia’s Mission empowers and teaches women skills in rural South Africa to feed, educate, and care for their children by earning a living wage. When a woman begins to grasp her value in Christ through discipleship and Biblical training, her life becomes the first ripple of hope…that will last for generations.