God Is Moving

Back in July my team and I traveled to Swaziland to Section 19. I wrote a blog post about 95 year old Gogo Dlamini and the house we built for her. I was able to get back to see the house and take some updated pictures. The Pastor in that area, Pastor LaSalette and staff got a vision from the Lord to now build an old folks home with 16 rooms and live in nurse. All because of Gogo Dlamini’s situation and her need for a home. God blows me away on how He always has a bigger plan than what we can see. The chief gave land adjacent to the local preschool for this project. It will be fenced in soon and a well is already installed. The Lord is moving in mighty ways in Swaziland.DSC_0130

The Lord has been at work in a big way. It all started roughly 2 months ago when I moved to a different rondavel hut and my landlord said she would have someone collect my trash each week. Needless to say that didn’t happen which led to frustration, but God had a bigger plan and way to use my frustration for his glory. I drove my trash to the local dump in Badplaas. As I pulled in many women started to swarm my car and fighting with each other over my trash. The emotions of that experience overwhelmed me to the point of tears. I couldn’t begin to even image having to fight over trash for survival. I pulled out of the dump and felt the Lord say I am not finished here yet. I began praying and asking around if anyone had information about these ladies.

Fast forward to when I met with the ladies and told them about myself. They agreed to me coming once a week and beginning a bible study. As long as we pause the study if someone drives up since that is how they make their living and support their families. So it has begun, none of the 15 women know the Lord yet but they are thirsty for the word! There are 4 that are into ancestor worship, but I know that God is greater. The last time I shared Christ with a person who was into ancestor worship ended in me receiving death threats, but the Lord tells me “fear not I am with you.” I am not and cannot be a slave to fear. God is bigger than ancestor worship, God is bigger than our frustrations and God is bigger than persecution! Throughout my weeks I collect recycling items like glass, plastic, tin and cardboard since those are the items the women earn the most income from by selling them to the dump operator. The Lord is moving in mighty ways in South Africa!


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Empower a Woman. Impact Generations.

Lydia’s Mission empowers and teaches women skills in rural South Africa to feed, educate, and care for their children by earning a living wage. When a woman begins to grasp her value in Christ through discipleship and Biblical training, her life becomes the first ripple of hope…that will last for generations.