God is on the Move!

This past year has been a great adventure in trusting the Lord. He has been faithful in providing at critical times to meet urgent needs. Ministry in South Africa has truly bloomed and blossomed into something beautiful and God has been moving in powerful ways.

Some key highlights of 2016 in review:

IMG_1440Started handcrafts at Lydia’s Circle and, through that, supported 25 women and their families


Started a year-long business course to gain a better understanding and knowledge of doing business in South Africa to help grow the ministry to benefit the women I serve


Held weekly bible study meetings with the Lydia’s Circle ladies to help develop their relationship with Christ


Started Lydia’s Circle: Senior – a group with average age over 70 and gave them each their own bible; for many this was their first bible ever


Met a critical need of clean water in a farm village of 150 people by installing two tanks providing 10,000 liters of clean water delivered each week by the local township


Started Lydia’s Circle Farm Village with currently 15 people in attendance.


Continued weekly tutoring and school of ministry for 25 students


Helped finish a new cinder block house for a family of 15 by providing a concrete floor, windows, doors and roof after their mud house had collapsed on them in the middle of the night.


Said some hard goodbyes to amazing missionary friends and then watched how the Lord used it for His glory


Hosted my first mission team who help host 4 large Christmas parties serving over 1800 adults and children


The Lord revealed a deeper understanding and direction of the ministry He has for me in South Africa that meant shutting some doors while opening many new ones. God is faithful and I continue to put my trust in Him


Key plans for 2017

Apply to the South African government to start my own nonprofit (NGO) organization – fully funded


Start handcraft micro-business venture at Lydia’s Circle Senior and Lydia’s Circle Farm Village for more than 30 women – partially funded


Expand Lydia’s Market by renting/buying a space to help drive retail sales – funding needed


Provide funding and installation for new water tank in a community of 80 residents without safe, clean drinking water – fully funded


Start in January a feeding project at the Farm village school for 150 children providing meals 5 days a week – 6 months funded!


Explore planting a church in the Farm Village – funding needed


Assist Living With Vision, my ministry partner, open and operate a Teen Pregnancy Crisis Center to address the epidemic of teenage pregnancies in eManzana – funding needed


Host a women’s retreat for all of my women’s groups to help the women deepen their relationship with the Lord and each other as sisters in Christ – partially funded


God has laid some huge visions and plans before me for this ministry. Partnering with God has been one incredible adventure after another. I am doing my best to keep up with God and I wouldn’t want it any other way! I am extremely grateful for each of you who have joined this adventure through your prayers, encouragement and financial gifts in both one-time or monthly and other donations. My commitment is to continue to partner with God to make a difference one life at a time in South Africa. I pray for a wonderful and blessed 2017 for you and for the ministry!


Empower a Woman. Impact Generations.

Lydia’s Mission empowers and teaches women skills in rural South Africa to feed, educate, and care for their children by earning a living wage. When a woman begins to grasp her value in Christ through discipleship and Biblical training, her life becomes the first ripple of hope…that will last for generations.